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Shortbrook Primary School

Learning, caring and sharing

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School Values

"Learning, Caring and sharing"

Following consultation with parents, pupils and staff, it was agreed that the school should be driven by the following values;

  • We take care of ourselves – mind and body
  • We are respectful and look after each other
  • We aim high and like a challenge
  • We are resilient and never stop trying
  • We can work independently and as part of a team
  • We are confident and considerate communicators

These values are personal to the school and the needs of the children at Shortbrook Nursery & Primary School. These values inform the design, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum. We pride ourselves in providing a curriculum which is rich and broad in knowledge and skills, meets the needs of the children, and prepares the children to be successful in challenges in the future. We believe in
our pupils achieving the highest possible standards, not only in their academic work but in their attitude to life and their understanding of their role as future successful citizens in the twenty-first century.


We believe that every child will be given the best opportunities to succeed through the provision offered in school, which is:

  • A caring, secure and happy atmosphere
  • A broad, enriched curriculum
  • A high quality learning experience
  • An ethos of support, challenge and encouragement
  • Committed to a learning partnership with parents and the community
  • Striving for continuous improvement


We demonstrate our commitment to the learning community by:

  • Valuing the contribution made by pupils all members of its staff
  • Providing opportunities for staff development
  • Creating a learning culture
  • Establishing a climate for sharing and working together to achieve common goals
  • Working collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure their trust in our organisation
  • Continuing to establish links within the community and beyond the big wide world of Westfield