Shortbrook Safeguarding Team

Contact telephone number for Shortbrook Primary School Safeguarding Team - 0114 2482797
Governor Contacts
Safeguarding Governor: James Smart
Chair of Governors: David Barker
Contact: 0114 2482497
Safeguarding Children - Information
Guidance and Legislation states that safeguarding ensures;
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of a child's health or development
- ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome
Anyone who comes in to contact with children and families has a role to play in safeguarding.
If you find yourself having a safeguarding concern over a child/family please access the Safeguarding Children website.
Another source of advice is also available from the NSPCC website. Please click the link below to visit their website.
Report Abuse on 0800 136 663 or email
Safeguarding in School
Our children learn how to keep themselves and others safe and how to recognise and respond to dangers. We encourage all our children to discuss and explore their rights, responsibilities and personal safety through a wide range of activities within the curriculum and through extra curricular experiences.
As a school we take the safeguarding of children extremely seriously and we always encourage the reporting of any concerns no matter how minor they may initially appear to be. All staff and governors are trained in relation to their responsibilities for safeguarding children. All staff have undertaken PREVENT training and are aware of the issues around radicalisation, sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation.
Senior staff have responsibility for reporting incidents to the relevant authorities and wherever possible you are kept informed at all stages of our procedures.
In order to help us keep all children safe the school security is regularly reviewed. For practical safety reasons we have to ask that:
• Children only enter and leave school by the doors allocated to them
• The children do not ride their bikes or bring their dogs on to the school premises
• School gates remain locked to the public during the day
• Children are picked up after taking part in our after school activities unless other written instructions have been received
A manual register is taken at Breakfast Club each morning to ensure we know which children are on premises and that they are safe in school.
Children leaving the premises during the day are signed out using the schools signing in/out system.
If you would like more information or to speak to someone, please click on the contact sheet above for information on who to contact.