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Shortbrook Primary School

Learning, caring and sharing

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Our intention is to deliver a high-quality computing curriculum covering all aspects of the National Curriculum that matches the needs of our children. Being able to use a range of technology safely is a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners. We aim to teach children computer science, information technology and ensure children become digitally literate whilst providing key skills for later life.  We aim to inspire children to become active and responsible participants in our increasingly digital world.



We implement our high-quality curriculum throughout school starting with the very youngest children. We use and adapt the teach computing curriculum as a vehicle to deliver computing lessons ensuring that all sessions meet the needs of our children.  We progressively and sequentially build knowledge and understanding through discrete and cross-curricular lessons throughout school to create safe, responsible and effective users of technology.

At Shortbrook Primary School, we take online safety extremely seriously and a clear focus within the school is given to this matter. This is to ensure all pupils are aware of how to use technology safely both in and out of school and who to approach if they have any worries or concerns about anything they have seen online.


Alongside the computing scheme of work, additional online safety lessons are taught using the Sheffield Online Safety Curriculum 2019. It is designed to give children a broad and deep understanding of the way the internet works.


Below is an overview of what is taught through discrete lessons on a two- year cycle:


The implementation of this curriculum ensures that, when children leave Shortbrook Primary School, they are competent and safe users of IT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be equipped to apply their skills in computing to different challenges going forward.
