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Shortbrook Primary School

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Welcome to our Governor Section. 


The governing body meets regularly and works with the senior leadership team and the staff to decide the school's aims and policies and to oversee the efficient running of the school. The governors work in partnership with the school and the Local Authority and have particular responsibility for:

  • Setting aims and planning for the future of the school
  • Agreeing targets to raise standards of achievement
  • Ensuring the curriculum for the school promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of the pupils
  • Managing the school budget by providing the head teacher with guidance, setting priorities and budget monitoring
  • Staffing issues including appointing the head teacher and other staff and determining salaries
  • Deciding the school's policies on issues including admission and the length of the school day
  • Ensuring there is a high standard of maintenance of the school's premises

  • Dealing with complaints about the school

Governor's Behaviour Statement 

HJS and Shortbrook Federation Governors want Shortbrook pupils to be well rounded, well adjusted and caring citizens, aware of the world them, conscious both of their rights and their responsibilities in that world.  We believe children learn best when they feel safe and confident, therefore, we believe in the following principles.

  • At all times all members of our school community are expected to be the best that they can be to create a positive, safe and caring environment.
  • When wrong choices are made and poor behavior results, the key words for dealing with the behavior are fairness and consistency.
  • We all have a calm attitude, identify as many positives as possible and consistently give praise.
  • We care about our children so when necessary, appropriate support will be put in place to enable them to learn new and better ways of being behaved.
  • Poor behavior will have consequences consistently applied.  However, this is always followed by a fresh start.  Some children may need many fresh starts, we never give up on anyone.
  • Every member of our school community should aim high, believe in themselves and each other and respect themselves and each other.

Meet Our Governors

Mr David Barker - Chair of Governors

  • Governing Body Membership: LA Representative
  • Date of Appointment: 9th July 2017
  • Register of Business Interest: None
  • Register of Financial Interest: None
  • Member of Governance at another school: No
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • Committee Membership: All
  • Registered on GovernorHub: Yes
  • Term of Office: 8th July 2021 to 8th July 2025
  • Health and Safety Governor


Born in Woodhouse, I am a Local Councillor who has represented this area since 2004 and I currently Chair the Councils Licensing Committee. I initially joined the Governing Body of Shortbrook School in 2004 and the federated Governing Body of Shortbrook and Halfway when this was formed. I have also served as a Governor at Westfield School. I have worked in the NHS since 1988 and still work part time managing security for Harrogate and District Foundation Trust. I played local ,league football for 30 years and still manage the occasional game of cricket, though I am now much more of a spectator than participator when it comes to sport.


Mrs Beverly Nicholson - SEND Governor

  • Governing Body Membership: Co-opted
  • Date of Appointment: 1st September 2017
  • Register of Business Interest: Learn Sheffield
  • Register of Financial Interest: None
  • Member of Governance at another school: Yes
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • Term of Office: 31st August 2021 to 31st August 2025
  • Registered on GovernorHub: Yes
  • SEND Governor


After a career in education spanning over 35 years, I am now employed by the Sheffield Schools’ Company as a Learn Sheffield Improvement Partner. My current role allows me to draw on previous experiences as a teacher, senior leader and more recently executive head teacher, to support primary schools in their strategic planning for school improvement. Having worked in four different local authorities and many schools operating in very challenging circumstances, I feel that I have much to bring to school governance.

Mr Alan Heath - Finance Governor

  • Governing Body Membership: Co-opted
  • Date of Appointment: 20th May 2019
  • Register of Business Interest: None
  • Register of Financial Interest: None
  • Member of Governance at another school: No
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • Registered on GovernorHub: Yes
  • Term of Office: 20th May 2019 to 20th May 2023
  • Finance Governor


I was born and raised in Sheffield, initially living at Firvale, but later moving to Broomhill near to King Edward VII School which I attended. I  worked for Sheffield City Council from 1971 until I took early retirement in 2012, spending several years as an auditor, but I managed to ‘escape’ and move into ‘School’s Finance’ where my role basically involved helping schools manage their budgets. I was mainly involved with primary schools and visited many over the years including a brief contact with Shortbrook and a longer spell at Halfway Juniors. This role was the most enjoyable of my working life as I felt I could genuinely provide assistance to schools and it also gave me a good working knowledge of their budgets and the problems encountered by trying to provide the best education possible with limited resources.

Since retirement I have remained active and found the cliché ‘I don’t know how I found the time to go to work’ to be very true! I coordinate one of the Sheffield U3A (University of the Third Age) walking groups, and go for a 10 to 12 mile walk in the Peak District with them most weeks, sing in three excellent choirs in the city and have taken up tennis in the last couple of years. My son and daughter-in-law are both primary school teachers in Staffordshire and my wife – Pauline – and I travel down each week during term time to collect our three year old granddaughter from nursery on Thursdays and look after her on Fridays. We also manage occasional visits to our daughter who lives with her husband and baby daughter in Bristol.


Mr James Smart  - Safeguarding Governor

  • Governing Body Membership: Parent
  • Date of Appointment: 18th November 2018
  • Register of Business Interest: None
  • Register of Financial Interest: None
  • Member of Governance at another school: No
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • Committee Membership: Strategic 
  • Governor Monitoring Group: Safeguarding
  • National Database of Governors: Yes - 18 November 2018
  • Term of Office: 20th November 2022 to 18th November 2026
  • Safeguarding Governor


I was born and grew up in Oxfordshire, I moved to Sheffield over 13 years ago to attend The University of Sheffield to study Mathematics and Physics. I subsequently trained to be a Teacher of Mathematics at Sheffield Hallam University and have remained in Sheffield since working at several different secondary schools within the city during this time. I am now settled in Halfway and my eldest child attends Halfway Nursery and Infant School. I am invested in education, both through my work experience and being a parent, I feel that this gives me a useful tool set to offer the governing body. I can both appreciate the school view, whilst maintaining a drive for all children in the local area achieving their best. I am excited to undertake the role of governor across both Halfway Junior and Shortbrook School to work with the other governors to enable local children to achieve their best in their early educational experiences. 

Mr Ernesto La Porta 

  • Governing Body Membership: Co-Opted Governor 
  • Date of Appointment: 
  • Appointed by - Governing body
  • Register of Interest: 
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • National Database of Governors: 
  • Committee Membership: Strategic 
  • Term of Office: 1st September 2022 to 1st July 2025


I have experience working on continuous improvement for large organisations both in the private and public sectors and I'm hoping to use my professional experience to support the efficient running of the school to deliver the best education possible to pupils.

I initially started volunteering with schools on career-related events nationally while working for the Department of Digital, Culture. Media and Sports (DCMS).  I did this for nearly a year before a job change and a move to Sheffield prompted me to look for opportunities to help the local community - which, in turn, drew me to the governor role.

On weekends you can usually find me walking somewhere in the Peak District or watching Formula 1.

I am excited to undertake this responsibility across the schools as a member of the governing body and to contribute however I can.

Mrs Sarah Hearnshaw - Headteacher of Shortbrook Primary 

  • Date of Appointment: 1 September 2012
  • Register of Interest: Links to Shortbrook Primary
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • National Database of Governors: Yes - January 2017
  • Term of Office: N/A


Mrs Lisa Willoughby - SENDCo at Shortbrook Primary School & Staff Governor

  • Governing Body Membership: Co-opted
  • Date of Appointment: 16 December 2016
  • Register of Interest: Family links with  G W Price Fruit Wholesalers, Links to Shortbrook Primary School.
  • Code of Conduct 2022-23 (agreed): 6th October 2022
  • National Database of Governors: Yes - 16 December 2016
  • Term of Office: 4th December 2020 to 15th December 2024

How to Contact Our Governors


To contact our governors please click on the link below and contact the main school office who will be happy to forward your message.
