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Shortbrook Primary School

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Shortbrook Curriculum Intent:


Following consultation with pupils, parents and staff, it was agreed that the Shortbrook Primary School’s curriculum should be driven by the following values;

  • We take care of ourselves – mind and body
  • We are respectful and look after each other
  • We aim high and like a challenge
  • We are resilient and never stop trying
  • We can work independently and as part of a team


These values are personal to the school and the needs of the children at Shortbrook Primary School.  These values inform the design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum.


Our curriculum will support the shaping of 21st  Century citizens, who will be equipped with the vocabulary, knowledge and skills to be successful in the later stages of their lives


The SEN code of practice and equality act (found on the SEND/policies page of the website) will, as always, be followed when implementing Shortbrook Primary school's curriculum.  This will enable all learners the opportunities to explore and be successful in all areas of learning.

Please click on the link below to view our Curriculum Policy

Shortbrook Curriculum Implementation:

Our curriculum design is based on evidence from research as well as knowing the importance for our children to be given the opportunity to over learn and to ensure the outcomes of the national curriculum are met at the same time as meeting the social and academic needs of our children.


As a result of the research, our curriculum will be implemented in the following ways:


  1. Learning will be spaced rather than blocked.
  2. Retrieval practice will be frequent and regular.


The content and principles underpinning our curriculum are taken from the National Curriculum. We use the national programmes of study to guide us to ensure all objectives are covered. Children will learn through enquiry-based learning where children will be given the opportunity to shape their own understanding. We use a thematic approach to learning, including an emphasis on the local area and community where appropriate.


It is worth noting that some curriculum content will be subject specific and isolated but will always be delivered with our school values and curriculum intent in mind. Other content will be delivered in a cross-curricular approach to aid memory and enjoyment.




Learning is mapped out on to Progression of Skill Maps across each year group with progression statement coverage planning taken directly from the National Curriculum. Planning shows skills progression across the Key Phases.


Reading, writing and handwriting skills are a focus for all children and are being embedded within all curriculum topic work and projects completed.


Please click on the documents below to view our Progression of Knowledge and Skills Maps

Knowledge Organisers

A knowledge organiser is a document which identifies key information a child should have learnt by the end of a unit of work. It is used as a pre and post teaching tool to aid memory, supporting children to retain and retrieve knowledge for lifelong learning.

Each knowledge organiser has key vocabulary with definitions, quality texts for further reading, visuals and images including timelines and diagrams and research and identifies sticky and greater depth knowledge. Knowledge organisers support home learning links and can be used for quizzing to help pupils recall previous and learned knowledge.

Please click on the documents below to view our Knowledge Organisers

Shortbrook Curriculum Impact:

 Our curriculum approach will give the foundation of knowledge and skills to be successful 21st Century citizens. Our focus on the community and wider world will provide them with the cultural capital needed for future prosperity.

Formative Assessment is the cornerstone of our pedagogy and when children are identified not to be on track to achieve our high expectations for their learning, preventative action will be taken.

We believe that marking and feedback should celebrate achievement and provide a precise means of improving pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills. A high emphasis is given to affording pupils the time to reflect, respond effectively to constructive advice and ‘grow’ their learning. Feedback is given in line with our marking Policy.
