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Shortbrook Primary School

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What is Pupil Premium

The school is allocated Pupil Premium money for all children who are currently eligible for free school meals, have been eligible at some point during the past six years, are children of service personnel or are looked after children.


What is the school required to publish?

The school is required to show the amount of pupils eligible for funding and the amount we receive as a consequence of this. We also have to show how we intend to spend the money and the impact of the actions upon receipt of funding. In addition, from September 2016, schools are required to publish a Pupil Premium Strategy report. 


How we present the information for your consideration:

  • The amount of funding and number of pupils
  • The way we intend to spend the funding
  • the impact of the funding
  • Links to specific pieces of work undertaken


How does Pupil Premium benefit my child?

The school received £1,345 per eligible pupil, this money is for schools to decide how to use in order to improve educational attainment of children from less privileged backgrounds. The pupil premium has the potential to have a great impact on the attainment, and future life chances of pupils. 


Schools can choose to allocate this funding as they wish, which could impact upon a greater quantity of pupils than the Pupil Premium currently funds.

Catch - Up Funding

Swimming Results


Y6 Leavers

Even though they may swim in a different year, we are required to report on their attainment when leaving primary school

Number of children in the cohortPercentage of children who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25mPercentage of children who can use a range of strokes effectivelyPercentage of children who can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations







